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Health, Wellness and Team Building facility 

Welcome to our tranquil 12-acre retreat, nestled in the serene countryside and serving as the ideal backdrop for growth, teamwork, and transformation. Led by the combined expertise of Dominic, Chris, and Nick, our retreat invites individuals from all walks of life to embark on an enriching journey. Whether you're seeking to enhance corporate team dynamics, achieve sports excellence, or experience unique challenges, our sanctuary promises an inspiring and captivating experience. Dive into a world where personal development and professional growth intersect, and let every visit spark a pursuit of greatness.

Team Talk


Treat your business team to an extraordinary day out with our bespoke retreats. We prioritise creating a delightful and entertaining experience for all, infusing our workshops with joy and fun to ensure your staff have a memorable treat. Additionally, we delve deep into the fabric of teamwork, nurturing resilience, fostering effective communication, and building trust, resulting in not only an enjoyable escape but also a revitalised team ready to drive measurable results. Click to explore how our retreat can transform your business dynamics, all while providing a joyous treat for your hardworking staff.

Group Running

Warrior Package 

Peak Performance for Athletes: Unlock the full potential of your sports team with our specialised programs, drawing from our experience working with renowned teams such as the Welsh Rugby Team, Scarlets, and elite UFC athletes. Under the guidance of our experienced coaches and the scientific approach of Nick, your team will benefit from tailored training that prepares them for victory on and off the field or in the ring. Explore how we can help develop teamwork and communication skills all whilst helping overcome physical and mental barriers.  

Professional Mountain Bikers

Ascent Challenge

Hey CrossFit lovers and Functional gym users, are you ready for an adrenaline-pumping challenge? Get your buddies together and join us for our ascent challenge! Our team challenges are designed to push your limits and test your physical and mental abilities. You'll have a blast competing against each other and trying to top the leader board. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to have fun and get!


Checkout our private facility, the perfect blend of peaceful countryside and refreshing energy. 

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